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Help with Housebreaking a Puppy

Housebreaking Tips & Tricks

One of the biggest Puppy Training challenges a puppy-parents faces is housebreaking. Even the best and most loving puppy owners get tired of cleaning accidents their floors! This Puppy Training process doesn’t have to be a dramatic and frustrating. Here are some tips for housebreaking your pup quickly so you both can enjoy your future! Work in time with your pup’s digestive tract. With young puppies, outside time should immediately follow eating time. Keep a regular eating schedule and take your puppy outside within minutes of eating to avoid indoor accidents.

Don’t talk to your puppy while waiting for them to go. If you give you talk during potty time, you may be distracting your pup! Be calm not nervous, impatient or overly excited while waiting for your pup does his business.

Create a routine and do regularly scheduled bathroom breaks and bring your pup to the same place to go. They’ll soon associate that area with potty time. Reward success (after they go)! Pups love affirmation. When they successfully do their business outside, reward them with a treat or some extra affection. However, if your pup does have an accident, don’t punish him. Instead, take him outside immediately to the proper place to finish.

Housebreaking should start around 8 weeks, it is best to start the process early to avoid developing bad habits in an older dog.

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